Water Safety Day

Welcome to Washington State's Water Safety Day!
At No More Under, we know that education, life jackets, life guards, and protecting water spaces can prevent tragedies. We are dedicated to living in a world where we all understand how to better protect ourselves and our loved ones.
This May 15th is Washington's first ever Water Safety Day and it's the perfect opportunity to get our communities prepared to be safe in the water before summer!
We hope you will join us during this campaign to ensure that the impact and awareness is felt statewide!
We'll be providing a fun and simple water safety video and discussion guide for schools to use during ANY day in May, which is water safety month.
Please take a moment to add your email to our list of participating teachers and schools! We will send you an update and materials in April.
If you would like to be a sponsor or have other thoughts of how to support our efforts please email kelly@nomoreunder.org to learn more.